Quality process

Learn more about 42’s humane commitment and values transmitted to students.

Our beliefs

42 commits – A word from Sophie Viger

Choosing 42, is, of course, choosing excellence. But 42 means much more than this. In 42, we wish to train students who will grow aware of their responsibilities about our future. This responsibility is transmitted through an “altruistic ethics”: always keep the other person in mind.

42 will never compromise on the values of respect, solidarity, and tolerance, on which the school was founded. In an ever-changing world, facing crises of all kinds, these values are a compass for making your way through the world, with pride and uprightness. These values are what make the difference in our professional and personal lives alike.

42’s proactive social policy (free tuition, openness to atypical profiles) enables students with social or academic difficulties to rekindle their studies. Succeeding in 42 feels even better as it is accompanied by social progress.

42 wishes to maximize the number of women in its training, without seeking to impose an arbitrary parity. This parity is neither an objective nor an end in itself: it is a tool to diversify our student population, and beyond that, to foster creativity. Women have their rightful place at 42 and even more widely, in the IT industry.

Choosing 42 also means being chosen by 42 to become a member of a big family, bound by a common passion: programming. Together, we will reach the top of technical excellence while developing our own humanism.


42 Paris, a campus and a curriculum breathing life

  • The facility can be accessed from the street through a dedicated and secured elevator reserved to the mobility-impaired users.
  • All the doors in the building (including the toilets’ ones) fit the requirements of the mobility-impaired users.
  • Floors are accessible through the building’s main elevator that can welcome one mobility-impaired user. Floors are indicated in Braille. Sound alarms complete the system.
  • Each floor has its own toilets reserved to mobility impaired persons.
  • Students with vision impairment can plug a headset on computers and set up specific tools to follow the training.
  • The computer rooms (“clusters”) are accessible to mobility impaired persons.
  • A disability advisor on location can quickly respond to the needs of people in the building to help them move autonomously and gain access to training content and the 42 staff.



For your general inquiries, please contact the staff at contact@42.fr.

If encountering issues with a student, you can use the following mail address: social-report@42.fr. It will allow direct feedback on the issue encountered.


A website for all

We can’t claim to be a different and open school without having a website to match our ambitions. The redesign of the 42 website in 2021 was an opportunity to subtly act to allow everyone to figure out a future in IT.

We have worked hard to make sure that the 42 website reflects our policy of inclusion, conforming to best practices and standards for browsing and reading on the Internet.

Our priority was to allow everyone to be able to project themselves in 42. For this, we have preferred an inclusive writing based on the double flexion and on the use of epicene expressions.

We wanted to celebrate one of the strengths of 42: our profiles are different, that’s what makes us strong. And we didn’t need any artificial process. We decided to take pictures of our own students, on campus, in moments of their lives. These images illustrate the 42 website and their participations honor us.

Of course, this is not perfect yet. We will keep on updating our communication materials with these values in mind. Please feel free to contact us if you notice any errors. Spelling, inclusiveness, difficulty reading, etc. We are always looking for ways to improve thanks to your feedback.