Training and recruiting

This page contains information for companies willing to collaborate with the 42 Campus in Paris.

Submit your offer on our job board

Looking for a student for a short mission? Contact our junior branch, Junior 42Paris.

42 and companies

42 has always been a training that leads to employment. It was even created in 2013 to meet a growing need for experts in IT development in France. Professionalization periods and internships have not been added “on top”: They have always been present. Companies have always been valuable to 42, whether through their feedback on our interns, the partnerships formed or the proposed conferences and workshops. More than anything else, each 42 campus strives to get closer to companies that are close to it, both geographically and philosophically. This page presents the actions carried out with the 42 campus in Paris.

Internships and jobs

42 offers its students professional experiences from the very end of the core curriculum.







Internships, apprenticeship, jobs


No longer than 6 months, full-time or part-time.

Apprenticeships and professionalisation contracts

For those who already validated a professional experience at 42, as part of the preparation of an accredited title (RNCP) for the Campus 42 in Paris.

Recruiting an Alumni

Right from the end of their studies at 42.

Other possibilities

Open-ended or permanent contracts…

Make yourself known

You can organize an event or a recruitment program with 42 to raise the awareness among students.

Conferences and meet-up

Inspiring talks, experience feedback or future trends.

Technical workshops and coaching sessions

Discover technologies and best practices, and develop human skills.

Hackathons or challenges

For a night, a weekend or a whole week to broaden your horizon.

Forums or recruitment nights

All throughout the year, several thematic sessions on campus, online or live.


Discover our campus and meet our students

Would you and your collaborators like a private visit of 42? You can make an appointment to discover what the training is all about. You will have the opportunity to find out more about the way 42 works and the way it offers professional immersions to its students. After this introduction, you will visit the campus and be able to meet our students.


Using 42’s method to learn programming in a short time period is also possible. You and your collaborators just have to discover the key elements of peer learning to strengthen your teams and find out new working methods. The training takes place on the 42 campus, or in its vicinity, so the immersion is complete.

Corporate Relations Department of 42

42 – 96 boulevard Bessières – 75017 Paris – FRANCE
School Code: 0755733Z
Questions, information:

Submit your offer on our job board