Diversity, inclusion and equal opportunities
42 has an active and ambitious policy in favour of diversity and inclusion. As a leading training institution for careers in coding, 42 is committed to equity and diversity: disability, gender and sexual orientation, social, cultural and intergenerational.
42i is 42 Paris’s inclusion and equal opportunities programme. It is aimed at 1,500 beneficiaries who are far from employment and professional opportunities in the digital sector. It is aimed at students in precarious, vulnerable or excluded situations. A team of 9 full-time staff support these beneficiaries to ensure their success. This is the largest inclusion project ever deployed in France by a Higher Education establishment.
This five-year plan strengthens citizenship and solidarity among the school’s students. It benefits from the financial and institutional support of numerous partners in the context of specific projects: the City of Paris through the ESF-REACT (42Cohésion), the City of Paris via Paris Code (BornToCode), the Ile de France Region for the Regional Plan for Investment in Skills (42ForAJOB). The Safran Foundation is also committed to helping young people in situations of exclusion (42ForYOUTH).
Together with its partners, 42 promotes a fairer and more virtuous Tech. It is helping to make its ecosystem better and more sustainable through responsible practices.